Exchange Agreements

J-1 Scholars/Exchange Visitors

As a member of the Department of State’s Exchange Visitor Program, Florida Tech hosts international scholars and professors from around the world. The J-1 Exchange Visitor visa may be used by those coming to the United States to study, teach, or conduct research.  Its purpose is to provide foreign nationals with opportunities to participate in educational and cultural programs in the United States, to return home to share their experiences, and to encourage Americans to participate in educational and cultural programs in other countries.

Over the past fifty years, Florida Tech has developed cooperative and academic agreements, including student exchange opportunities, with various partner institutions around the world. Many of our exchanges are on a reciprocal basis, and providing there is a balanced exchange,  participating students pay tuition at their home institution. 

Reciprocal Exchange Abroad

Although there is no formal process at Florida Tech  to ensure reciprocal exchange abroad, as a member of the J-1 program, Florida Tech encourages as many U.S. faculty and students to go abroad as possible. Please feel free to share with us your plans for doing research, studying, and training abroad in an exchange program. We will include this information in the report we send to the Department of State each year.

Study Abroad

Florida Tech currently offers four study abroad opportunities.  The Oxford Summer Study Abroad program is a five-week program hosted at Jesus College in Oxford, England.  Numerous core curriculum courses are offered and participation is open to students of all majors and at all levels.  The Nathan M. Bisk College of Business offers a short-term study abroad experience in Madrid, Spain, embedded in a special topics course, International Trade & Marketing.   The course is designed for upper level undergraduates and MBA students.  The China Study Abroad Program is a 4 week program focusing on language and culture in contemporary China.   Lastly, the School of Arts and Communication offers another short-term study abroad experience in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, as part of a special topics course, International Marketing Communication.  Each summer, between 80-100 undergraduate and graduate students participate in these programs.