Florida Tech Panther Statue

College Talk

Each college is different and each college has its own, original language! Here at Florida Tech, students and faculty have their own way of talking. Below is a list of words and abbreviations a new student may hear.

Access- Single portal to Access Florida Tech services for students, faculty, and staff

Adjunct Faculty- Visiting or part time instructors

ASC- Academic Support Center which offers free tutoring.

Audit- To take a course without credit.

Bachelor's Degree- A degree received after completing 4 years at a university in a specific study.

Botans- The botanical gardens located between Evans Library and the residence quad. Over 300 species of plants and 200 species of palm trees.

CAB- Campus Activities Board

Canvas- Learning Management System used by Florida Tech for all academic coursework.

Commencement- Graduation ceremonies held at the end of fall and spring semesters.

Course Numbers- Numbers that indicate the level of the course and identification for the course.

CV- Columbia Village residence halls.

CVMPR- Columbia Village Multi Purpose Room. Located on the right as you enter Columbia Village from the bridge.

FAFSA- Free Application for Federal Student Aide. Students complete this form each year to see if they are eligible for money from the government. Also used to see if student is eligible for scholarships.

Flex- Dining dollars, can be used at any dining location on campus other than Panther Dining Hall. Loaded onto your student ID.

GSA- Graduate Student Assistant. Usually teaches labs and helps professors administer exams.

ISSS- International Student and Scholar Services

IT- Information Technology. Also known as Tech Support. Helps with any problems or questions regarding computers.

Major- A focus on a specific field of study, interest, or career.

Minor- A secondary focus on a different field of study, interest, or career.

New Student Portal - The online portion of confirming your admittance to Florida Tech. You can pay deposits/tuition, sign up for housing and meal plans, register your car, review financial aid, view your registration status, fill out health insurance forms and more!

Orientation- A week filled with events to help new students adjust to campus life.

Panther Cash- Money a student deposits onto his or her ID card. This money is used for: purchases in the bookstore, laundry facilities, photocopy services, printing in the library, and special services at the Health Center.

Panther Prep Leader or PPL- The title of the students in charge of helping all new students adjust to campus life during Orientation.

PAWS- Panther Access Web System where you view grades, financial aid information, register for classes, and much more.

PDH - Panther Dining Hall

RAT- Rathskeller. Located under Evans hall. Serves grilled food items, has small convenience store, pool tables, video games, cyber den, coffee house, stage, and large screen TV.

Res. Quad- Location of five residence halls including Evans, Campbell, Shaw, Wood, and Grissom.

SSSC- Student Success and Support Center

SUB- Student Union Building. Inside is the bookstore, Food Court, Student Life Office, and Student Affairs.

TRACKS Account- Username and password that is the student's electronic signature that is used to login to any computer on campus and complete any online function related to Florida Tech.  


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